Outpatient Surgery Magazine Archive

2021 Issues

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Can you pass this prepping quiz? Want to start a great debate? Ask your surgeons and nurses to defend their skin prepping preferences and beliefs.

Ideas That Work: 28-Day calendar. Know when multi-use vials expire at a glance. Save time on calculating expiration dates with this Idea That Works from Newport Beach, California.

Ideas That Work: Transfer tip. Keep patients' arms free from harm. Secure arms when transfering a patient from stretcher to the OR table with this Idea That Works from San Antonio, Texas.

Ideas That Work: Informed choices. Show them the costs. Keep costs per case down with this Idea that Works from Tampa, Florida.

About my error. The orthopedic surgeon talks about his wrong procedure in order to share the lessons learned.

Ideas That Work: Potty training. Postcard for post-op constipation. Cut down on post-op constipation complaints with this Idea That Works from Salisbury, Maryland.

Ideas That Work: Division of labor. Mailboxes make tasks fairer and easier. Use mailboxes to make tasks fairer and easier with this Idea That Works from Corinth, Mississippi.

Thinking of Buying ... Fluid warming systems? Maintain normothermia from the inside out.

Product News

Ideas That Work: Pediatric pulse ox. Let kids wear PJs for surgery. Keep a pediatric patients comfortable during surgery with this Idea That Works from Langhorne, Pennsylvania.

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