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2021 Issues
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Medical Malpractice: Don't give in to the gadget. Distracted doctoring is the new legal minefield.
Legal Update: This transaction might be worth a tri. Hospital-corporate-physician ASC deals benefit all investors.
Regional anesthesia's economic advantages. Peripheral nerve blocks save dollars and make sense.
Infection Prevention: A superbug meets its unlikely match. Well-designed mass e-mails helped curb Acinetobacter baumannii.
Cutting Remarks: Recovery room blues. Things don't always go as planned in PACU.
Safety: Managing patients on blood thinners. Limiting bleeding risks demands a personalized approach.
Ideas That Work: Color coding. Binder clips on curtains convey a lot. Color coded clips on curtains convey patient status with this Idea that Works from Baxter, Minnesota.
Tips for greening the operating room. Sensible steps you can take today to shrink your carbon footprint.
Ideas That Work: Recognition and reward. Share compliments (and maybe cash). Share positive feedback and reward staff with this Idea That Works from Torrance, Callifornia.
Are morcellators safe for hysterectomies? They speed the procedure, but do they spread cancer, too? See what this gynecologic surgeon has to say.