Outpatient Surgery Magazine Archive

2021 Issues

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Product News

7 cool new products for your GI docs. Advances on display at Digestive Disease Week focused on improving adenoma detection rates.

Behind Closed Doors: Weathering the surgical forecast. Going to OR 1? Bring an umbrella.

7 steps to safer endoscope reprocessing. Are your techs cleaning your scopes the right way?

Cutting Remarks: Cut costs, not corners. Shaving expenses in the OR can be a hard pill to swallow.

Thinking of Buying ... Fluid waste management systems? Which automated collection and disposal unit is right for you?

Handling heavier patients. 7 products you need to care for today's larger patients.

Pre-positioning cataract surgery patients saves time. An Idea that Works from Hazleton, Pennsylvania.

Safety: Can you trust your compounding lab? How to evaluate the companies that compound sterile drugs.

Put DVT prevention into practice. Evidence-based strategies will help you circumvent the clot.

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