Outpatient Surgery Magazine Archive

2021 Issues

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Cutting Remarks: Recovery room blues. Things don't always go as planned in PACU.

Ideas That Work: Color coding. Binder clips on curtains convey a lot. Color coded clips on curtains convey patient status with this Idea that Works from Baxter, Minnesota.

Safety: Managing patients on blood thinners. Limiting bleeding risks demands a personalized approach.

Ideas That Work: 28-Day calendar. Know when multi-use vials expire at a glance. Save time on calculating expiration dates with this Idea That Works from Newport Beach, California.

Ideas That Work: Transfer tip. Keep patients' arms free from harm. Secure arms when transfering a patient from stretcher to the OR table with this Idea That Works from San Antonio, Texas.

Ideas That Work: Informed choices. Show them the costs. Keep costs per case down with this Idea that Works from Tampa, Florida.

Legal Update: This transaction might be worth a tri. Hospital-corporate-physician ASC deals benefit all investors.

Regional anesthesia's economic advantages. Peripheral nerve blocks save dollars and make sense.

Perfect your pre-admission process. Advice for starting every patient experience on the right foot.

How comfortable are your ORs? Take this hospital's lead and focus on features that ease the daily grind.

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