Outpatient Surgery Magazine Archive

2021 Issues

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Motivate your doctors with a chance to win a gift card. An Idea that Works from Ukiah, California.

Letters & E-mails: Don't text and operate. Pain-free surgery. Evidence-based practice. The "Karwoski Calculator."

How we added emergency ortho care. Putting the pieces together to provide fracture care at our ASC.

Use sticker dots to track costly supplies with this Idea that Works from Sunset Hills, Missouri.

Stay up to date with Outpatient Surgery Magazine with these simple steps from our Suregons' Lounge.

Ensure all critical SCIP data is entered the day of surgery with this Idea that Works from Houston, Texas.

Communicate with email in a professional manner with these Email Do's and Don'ts.

Can you pass our immediate-use steam sterilization quiz? Do's and don'ts for when you need that item right away.

Anesthesia Alert: Why starve and dehydrate your patients? You are if you're forcing them to fast from midnight.

Protect patients from pressure injuries. 4 questions to improve surgical patients' skin care outcomes.

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