Have Your Hand Hygiene Improvements Hit a Plateau? - This Just In - Ju
CDC Unveils New Infection Prevention Resources for Outpatient Faciliti
Infection Prevention - Outpatient Surgery Magazine - July, 2011
ASC Infection Control Surveys: What Are They Finding? - This Just In -
Enlist Your Patients in the Fight Against Healthcare-Associated Infect
National Groups Join Calif. Hospitals in Opposition to New SSI Disclos
Infection Prevention - Outpatient Surgery Magazine - June, 2011
New Guidelines for Flexible Endoscope Reprocessing Released - This Jus
Do Mobile Phones Pose an Infection Risk? - This Just In - May, 2011
The Role of Patient Warming in Preventing SSIs - Infection Control - M
Your Low-Temperature Sterilization Options - Infection Control - May,
Wipe Out the Confusion Over Surface Disinfection - Infection Control -
Do You Remember How to Scrub (Properly)? - Infection Control - May, 20
Are You Using the Right Prep? - Infection Control - May, 2011
Endoscope Reprocessors Your Techs Will Love - Infection Control - May,
FDA Seeks Better Reprocessing Instructions for Reusable Medical Device
Study Questions SCIP's Effect on SSI Prevention - This Just In - April
Infection Prevention - Outpatient Surgery Magazine - April, 2011
New Guidelines for Preventing IV Catheter-Related Infections Released
FDA Extends Steris System 1 Deadline - This Just In - March, 2011