953 Results for Infection Prevention

Infection Prevention: Are there benefits to pre-op bathing? What we know and how to improve this skin prep practice.

7 steps to safer endoscope reprocessing. Are your techs cleaning your scopes the right way?

Could electronic reminders cut infection rates? Researchers explore the use of text messages to ensure patients' pre-op bathing compliance.

To eliminate SSIs, we went back to square one. The way we'd always done things wasn't good enough.

Anesthesia hand hygiene compliance is least when needed most. Providers wash hands less often during induction and emergence.

Can you pass our immediate-use steam sterilization quiz? Do's and don'ts for when you need that item right away.

Infection Prevention: A superbug meets its unlikely match. Well-designed mass e-mails helped curb Acinetobacter baumannii.

Can you pass this prepping quiz? Want to start a great debate? Ask your surgeons and nurses to defend their skin prepping preferences and beliefs.

Infection Prevention: How to safely and securely tape an IV. The traditional crisscross taping pattern could be an infection risk.

The details of decontamination. The safety of your surgical instruments depends on these 5 factors.

Does your high-level disinfection hack it? Research highlights the importance of renewed focus on proper endoscope reprocessing.

Your options in whole room disinfection. Several systems take the human element out of cleaning OR surfaces.

The evolution of barrier protection. A review of the many ways that gloves, gowns, masks and drapes prevent infections.

Get a preview of AORN's new skin prepping guidelines. Let a growing body of evidence govern your bedside practice.

The highlights of low-temperature sterilization. These reprocessing alternatives keep sensitive instruments out of the autoclave.

Are your surfaces as clean as you think they are? Tips for improving the cleanliness of the surgical environment.

There is a time and a place for immediate-use sterilization. Answers to 5 common questions about acceptable practices.

Infection Prevention: What's up with TASS? Incidences are on the decline, but there's still work to be done.

The case for standardizing skin preps. The opportunity to reduce infections is just one of several benefits.

Bug zapper. Room-disinfection robots shoot beams of ultraviolet light to reduce the bacterial count on surfaces you might have missed.

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