FDA Approves Shorter Device Sterilization Test - This Just In - July,
Are Those High-Touch Surfaces Clean? - Outpatient Surgery Magazine - J
Infection Prevention: Video's Starring Role in Better Hand Hygiene - O
Do's and Don'ts of Immediate-Use Sterilization - Outpatient Surgery Ma
Cross-Contamination Concerns at Canadian Clinics - This Just In - June
Infection Prevention - Are You an Ace at Antibiotic Administration? -
Make Sterilization Everyone's Job - Outpatient Surgery Magazine - June
Can You Ace Our Skin Prepping Pop Quiz? - Outpatient Surgery Magazine
5 Myths About Surface Disinfection - Outpatient Surgery Magazine - Jun
Take a Proactive Approach Against MRSA - This Just In - June, 2013
Study Identifies 3 Independent Predictors of C. diff - This Just In -
What's Wrong With This Picture? - Infection Control - May, 2013
Inside Our Antibiotic Delivery Success - Infection Control - May, 2013
A Hands-On Approach To Improved Infection Control - Infection Control
Are Your Rooms Really Clean? - Infection Control - May, 2013
Clean or Contaminated? - Infection Control - May, 2013
Does Pre-Op Warming Matter? - Infection Control - May, 2013
7 Keys to Effective Decontamination - Infection Control - May, 2013
3 Sure-Fire Steps to Standardized Preps - Infection Control - May, 201
Infection Scare at Philadelphia Hospital - This Just In - April, 2013