926 Results for Infection Prevention

What's the standard for pre-op showers? An infection prevention researcher responds to updated skin prepping guidelines.

8 common misconceptions about instrument decontamination. The right way to get items ready for sterilization.

Twenty percent of surgeons didn't wash their hands in bathroom. Danish study observed hand hygiene gap -- at American College of Surgeons' conference.

Infection Prevention: To prevent infection, first assess the risk. To prevail, you need to know your enemies and know yourself.

The hard costs of SSIs. Preventing post-op infections is more cost-effective than treating them.

Skin in the game. What are your pre-op bathing practices?

The details of decontamination. Start sterile processing on the right foot.

Johns Hopkins, CDC team up to provide Ebola training for providers. Three modules will be available on CDC website.

SSIs scrub California hospital's elective surgery schedule. Joint Commission reviewing accreditation after outbreak.

Adding insult to injury, Epidemiologically. Researchers probe connection between surgical-site and healthcare-acquired infections.

AORN highlights Ebola precautions. Recommended practices provide protection in the event virus's patients require surgery.

How clean are your OR surfaces? There's a lot involved and a lot at stake.

Are You Cleaning GI scopes properly? The case for standardizing the process.

7 steps to safer endoscope reprocessing. Are your techs cleaning your scopes the right way?

Infection Prevention: Are there benefits to pre-op bathing? What we know and how to improve this skin prep practice.

Could electronic reminders cut infection rates? Researchers explore the use of text messages to ensure patients' pre-op bathing compliance.

To eliminate SSIs, we went back to square one. The way we'd always done things wasn't good enough.

Anesthesia hand hygiene compliance is least when needed most. Providers wash hands less often during induction and emergence.

Can you pass our immediate-use steam sterilization quiz? Do's and don'ts for when you need that item right away.

Infection Prevention: A superbug meets its unlikely match. Well-designed mass e-mails helped curb Acinetobacter baumannii.

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