Study Finds S. Aureus Vaccine Ineffective at Best - This Just In - Apr
3 Keys to Efficient Hernia Repair - Abdominal Surgery - March, 2013
Does Your Decontamination Make the Grade? - Outpatient Surgery Magazin
Infection Prevention - Antiseptic Doesn't Mean Contamination-Free - Ou
Our Approach to Surface Disinfection - Outpatient Surgery Magazine - F
Infection Prevention - Combat Flu in Your Facility - Outpatient Surger
Product News - A Silver Solution Against SSIs - Outpatient Surgery Mag
Infection Prevention - How Well Do You Know Your Microorganisms? - Out
Administer Antibiotics On Time, Every Time - The New Quality Standards
Can Light Therapy in Nasal Passages Slash SSIs? - This Just In - Decem
Tiny Tears in Surgeon's Gloves Cause Big Problems - This Just In - Dec
6 Debates in Skin Prepping - Outpatient Surgery Magazine - December, 2
Infection Prevention - How We Slashed Our Colorectal SSIs - Outpatient
The ABC's of Automated Endoscope Reprocessors - Outpatient Surgery Mag
Catheter Cautions - Outpatient Surgery Magazine - December, 2012
You Call That Infection Prevention? - ORX Proceedings - December, 2012
Tips for Integrating New Flash Containers - Outpatient Surgery Magazin
Low-Temperature Sterilization: Are You In the Know? - Outpatient Surge
Infection Prevention - Test Your Instrument Reprocessing Acumen - Outp
Can C. diff Be Controlled? - This Just In - October, 2012