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“Should I quit my job?” is a question we’ve all asked ourselves at one point or another. If you wait until you’re at your breaking point, you might end up choosing a quick “exit job” rather than taking the best next step for your career.

A lot of people think summer is not a good time to start a job search, but it’s actually a great time to start looking for your next perioperative opportunity. Summer time can be as lazy or as productive as you choose. If you’ve been thinking about making the commitment to start looking for a better, higher-paying perioperative position; now is the time. We’ve collected four reasons why summer time is the best time to look for a new job.

We are all dealing with unprecedented — and seemingly endless — uncertainty right now. While you may not be on a job search at this time, there are some things you can do to feel better about where you are and what you’re doing.

What is your work worth? Perioperative nursing is a competitive specialty and the skills you have could be worth more than you think. If you are in a position to negotiate for more compensation than you are currently getting, consider these tips to make it happen.

Don't let a drawn- out job search get you down. AORN Career Center is here to help you every step of the way.

In the new world of coronavirus and its impact on caregivers, Dr. Phyllis provides perspective on endurance versus resilience and how not to become emotionally or morally drained.

Why should you get your CNOR? Find out why certifying your specialized knowledge in the operating room is worth the investment.

We have come to a time in our profession and industry when skills and knowledge are not enough to ensure sound clinical outcomes, a high level of pati

Here’s a round-up of advice from experts on how you can advance in your job, make changes, find satisfaction and, ultimately, achieve your professional goals.

When you express your honest opinion during an interview, you present yourself as you are, not as who you think the employer wants you to be. But disagreeing with an interviewer isn’t always easy because of the imbalance of power.

Organizations that foster a positive culture typically have more productive and professionally satisfied employees.

Think of your resume as your professional selfie. It’s the first impression you make on a potential employer, and you control how it’s created.

You have made the difficult decision to resign from your current position. Now what? How do you gracefully and professionally leave?

Many people worry summer is not a good time to start a job search, but consider these reasons why conventional thought might not be entirely accurate.

AORN's Statement: Condemning Racism, Brutality and Senseless Violence Against Black Communities.

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