Find out the keys to successful total joint procedures from Virtual OR Excellence speaker Adolph V. Lombardi Jr., MD, FACS.
Dr. David Williams discusses the New Future of Nursing 2020-2030 Report that highlights health inequities.
Sterilization expert Susan Klacik, BS, CRCST, ACE, FCS, AAMIf, provides important sterile processing updates that OR and sterile processing professionals should be navigating as a team.
Find out how to prepare your team for potential malignant hyperthermia cases that occur outside the OR.
Stress experts Spencer Byrum and Amy Bair, PhD, PMP, BCB talk about how stress increases our cortisol levels and makes us feel chronically fatigued.
Discover these three self-care imperatives to boost your energy and improve patient care from Dr. Jo Lichten.
Mental health should be your top self-care goal coming out of the pandemic.
Pamela S. Hunt, MSN, RN, NEA-BC, FAAN shares how to build up your “trust bank” in The Periop Life’s latest post.
Find out how to expand your leadership skills beyond your practice setting to advance your career.
Perioperative nurses have an opportunity to play a multi-faceted role in helping to fix what’s broken in healthcare, through advocacy and education at their facilities and in their communities.
Dr. Valerie Marsh shares her expertise on adjunct technology and focuses on common barriers regarding the technology as well as tips for overcoming them.
Follow three key recruitment and retention strategies that not only help bridge the diversity gap among staff, but also help keep those new hires and existing staff engaged and committed to your organization.
David Wyatt, PhD, RN, NEA-BC, CNOR, had the unique experience of leading AORN’s national board in a most unusual year for the association.
Make plans to incorporate some Florida fun while when you attend the Global Surgical Conference & Expo. Reenergize your soul, regroup with your colleagues, and recommit to your perioperative career.
The events of the past year have put inequities in healthcare under the microscope.
Board members Nakeisha Archer and Darlene Murdock recently took a deep dive into AORN’s past to understand our Association’s history of multi-cultural and racial inclusion. Ellice Mellinger, MS, BSN, RN, CNOR, works daily with nurses aspiring to receive their OR certification and share's her top five tips to help you better prepare for exam success.
Corey Ciocchetti, Associate Professor of Business Ethics and Legal Studies at the University of Denver, talks about how to spend your time, energy, and money to align with your goals.
Ellice Mellinger, MS, BSN, RN, CNOR, works daily with nurses aspiring to receive their OR certification and share's her top five tips to help you better prepare for exam success.
The 2021 edition of Guidelines for Perioperative Practice is now available and includes the latest evidence-based recommendations, technologies, and practice needs.
Learn how a rural Iowa hospital became the 100th Go Clear Award™ program recipient amid the COVID-19 pandemic in The Periop Life's latest blog post.