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Find out how you can establish and maintain an effective drug diversion plan.

RaDonda Vaught shares two action steps nurses can take right away.

Train and retain new nurses with advice from a successful preceptor/orientee team. Get practical advice from Cleveland Clinic

Educational resources provide guidelines for evidence-based practice.

Hint: support groups are essential. Learn about upcoming meetings.

A nurse shares 3 key findings from her pilot study on periop patient visits after surgery that is giving nurses a new way to connect with their patients.

Nurses are complaining about a rise in incivility – here are reminders to improve your culture.

A team of nurses from Newark, New Jersey share best practices.

Get clinical answers to frequently asked questions about transmission-based precautions for monkeypox infection.

Refresh your knowledge on the safest approaches for maintaining sterile technique to reduce surgical site infection.

Perioperative nurses are astute patient advocates, and they know the importance of quality in the products and medical devices they use in patient care.

Simple changes every OR can make.

Make a fresh commitment as a team: understand the latest evidence-based practices and educational resources on RSI prevention. Learn about a new safety designation to promote your commitment to prevent RSIs.

Longtime AORN leader and master presenter Jay Bowers, BSN, RN, CNOR, TNCC talks to us about the importance of hearing from nurses at all levels in their career and advice on getting started.

UPDATED: Review AORN’s latest guideline revision to improve your team’s hand hygiene to improve patient and staff safety.

The rise of wrong site surgeries signals a call to action for every periop team member. Here are three ways you can ensure a proper safety check before surgery.

National Time Out Day draws attention to the need for everyone on the surgical team to pause before the procedure begins in order to make sure all are on the same page about the right patient, right site and right procedure. As we mark this milestone, we shift our focus from recognizing the importance of the surgical time out to ensuring that surgical teams are making adequate time for the time out.

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