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Do you have a sense of something new calling you? The resilience you built through COVID has readied you for new professional pathways to uncover with these career tips from Dr. Phyllis. And if you're an AORN member, schedule a career coaching session.

As JD Buchert, MSN, M.Ed., MS, RN, and colleague Kelly Murphy, BSN, RN, NE-BC, put the finishing touches on their upcoming presentation for AORN’s 70th annual conference on aromatherapy and other strategies to cut stress and boost wellness, they shared a few tips to target stress reduction.

New to the OR? Here are 3 tips to build practice skills and capitalize on unique professional growth opportunities happening now.

The recently revised Guideline for Hand Hygiene recommends that healthy, short, natural fingernails should be maintained.

A team from Southern Ocean Medical Center shares their success story.

Make sure your practices are current for eight updated guidelines that provide 70 new evidence-based practices for safe surgery in the 2023 edition of Guidelines for Perioperative Practice.

Guidelines Editor-in-Chief Erin Kyle gives us her top tools and strategies to implement updates across eight guidelines that AORN just published.

For many, New Year’s is synonymous with resolutions. We asked chapter leaders what tops their lists, and they were eager to share some fresh ideas for bringing together periop colleagues at the local level.

Governor Kathy Hochul shows commitment to safe workplaces for operating room staff in New York State.

Newly revised Guideline for the Prevention of Pressure Injury recommends assessing skin perfusion by using long-wave infrared thermography. Learn why.

OR leaders set the stage for success when they give preceptors and orienting nurses the tools to become their best.

This year’s Salary Survey results show staff nursing pay and on-call pay went up, however, dissatisfaction with pay, employer and culture is causing one third of surveyed nurses to consider leaving their jobs.

AORN Expo keynote speaker shares how to change your mindset to get somewhere new.

Check out these 31 gift ideas from AORN nurses for your nurse colleagues or your own wish list.

For a periop professional, a promise has the potential to go a long way.

Learn how the team at Rady Children’s Hospital is using non-opioid options to reduce opioid exposure.

AORN committee leaders share their stories of mentorship, greening the OR, and advancing public health.

Working in an environment where nurses feel appreciated, inspired and always have someone to lean on is not as difficult as it may seem, according to workforce retention expert Clint Pulver.

These daily practices are habit for perioperative nurses, but they are also based in evidence. Where does this evidence come from and how does it translate into safe patient care?

Use a standardized procedure to prevent retention of foam pieces used with negative-pressure wound therapy devices.

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