All 1052 Results

Learn how exposure to novice experiences will help you grow upwards in your profession.

Discover the advantages of leaders embracing a Human-Centered Leadership in Health Care approach, where they prioritize wellbeing and focus on opportunities rather than challenges.

With no direct access to additional resources for help and support in an emergency, safety drills are an essential practice to prepare ASC staff and meet regulatory requirements. Enhance your mock disaster drills with these expert tips.

Identify At-Risk Patients with a Periop Risk Assessment Tool: A team at NYU Langone Health in New York City developed a risk assessment tool for periop staff to identify patients who have a higher risk of developing a Hospital Acquired Pressure Injury (HAPI).

With surgical smoke laws now on the books in 14 states, surgical leaders might feel the pressure to put the moving parts in place to become smoke-free. Don't worry, it's doable. Just look at the hundreds of facilities who've already implemented clear air initiatives. Read about some of the tools AORN's smoke evacuation experts have created to get you there.

Abdominal Skin Prep: A Skill-Builder & Refresher: Read and share this bite-sized overview focused on abdominal skin prep in AORN’s online magazine, The Stitch.

Regulatory Affairs: CMS Proposal a ‘Horrible Three-Legged Stool’. ASC officials ‘mystified’ by 2024 plan for Medicare patients.

AORN's Periop Today provides updates on news around the perioperative community.

Learn about and view the various instruments used during thoracic surgery.

Learn about and view the various instruments used during cardiothoracic surgery.

Regardless of what nursing specialty you work in or who you’re interacting with, kindness and caring always shine through says AORN President, Elizabeth Pincus, MSN, MBA, RN, ACNS-BC, CNS-CP, CNOR. In this week’s Periop Life entry, Pincus shares five ways nurses can make their mark and leave a legacy.

This handy pocket guide can help ensure you don’t miss a step when starting each case.

A new nurse seeks advice about not being sure they are cut out for the OR.

Guidelines author Emily Jones helps you steer clear of ergonomic hazards to keep periop RNs safe. Prevent work-related injuries with this sneak peek at the latest evidence every periop nurse needs to know.

AORN introduces The Stitch: a free online magazine, featuring brief, practical, and interactive articles. The Stitch is designed to help new periop RNs address clinical, interpersonal, and motivational challenges.

Read about best practices to avoid healthcare-associated infections (HAIs) that cause life-threatening consequences for patients.

ASC Education: Effective Credentialing & Peer Review Processes. Designed for the busy ambulatory surgery center (ASC) administrator.

Learn the components of a staffing plan and why productivity is key to the financial success of your facility. Single event or series options available.

AORN's Periop Today provides updates on news around the perioperative community.

Test your knowledge of basic surgical instruments.

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