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In this week’s Periop Life entry, to Barbara Nalley, MSN, RN, NP-C, ANP-BC, CNOR, RNFA, shares tips to help nurses ensure safer surgery for patients taking cannabis.

One nurse describes how she identified bioburden on an instrument and spoke up for patient safety.

Showing your orientees how to find the answer and troubleshoot, assert themselves, and interact effectively with a team is 90% of the battle of being successful in the OR.

Working in surgery means taking 24-hour call on rotation and working sporadic hours which has been very difficult as a single parent...

The scariest moment in the OR was the first night I took call without a buddy and received the call that I was needed for a gunshot to the abdomen.

I moved out of state for an amazing career opportunity, or so I thought...

I want to start with the lowest moment because that really helps to support the highest moments...

There are not many people that can say that they love what they do. I am fortunate and blessed to be one of those that can!

In this week’s Periop Life entry, Jessica Buchanan shares 4 tools to persevere when you feel powerless.

A nurse seeks advice about a preceptor who seems to contradict himself.

Critical 2024 Updates to AORN Medication Safety Guideline: updates focus on avoiding medication errors and enhancing patient and nurse safety in periop settings. Discusses key aspects such as organizational oversight, proper medication handling, and specific protocols for hazardous drugs.

Although OSHA’s bloodborne pathogens standard has been in place since 1992, needlestick and sharps injuries continue to occur. Don’t let it happen to you. This month’s AORN Journal “Back to Basics” article provides important reminders for periop RNs at all levels of experience.

Explore strategies for career satisfaction with AORN nursing coach Phyllis Quinlan. Learn to cultivate a positive mindset where anything’s possible. Find helpful advice to plan your path forward: clinical, research, education, administrative, tech, or something out of the box!

ASC administrators and leaders should consider the annual quality review a well-spent investment of their time. Find valuable tips for the annual review of your quality plan to avoid gaps in activities or reporting to help you meet this annual requirement.

Getting bounced around during orientation can happen due to staffing and cases. Find practical tips for clear communication with preceptors and see how to turn daily challenges into opportunities for growth.

Periop Talk: The Dangers of Surgical Smoke & How AORN Helps ORs Go Clear™. Learn about the health risks of surgical smoke and what facilities are doing to make surgery safer for periop staff.

Updated Fire Safety Tool Kit: Promote fire safety, plan effective response strategies, and develop department-specific evidence-based policies and procedures. Protect periop patients and team members.

AORN offers education and professional development throughout the year. Check out our upcoming sessions, including online and in-person.

Nurses should feel empowered, use their voice, and always establish a safe zone with their team.

A message of support and advice for novice perioperative nurses.

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