A message of support and advice for novice perioperative nurses: Always be open to learning new things.
This short infographic walks you through the steps to take to prepare the OR before the patient arrives, from finding the preference card to completing initial counts.
At the foundation of any clinical relationship is trust: trust between clinicians and patients, trust among the interprofessional team members, and trust between a new hire and the preceptor.
Find all the words related to preoperative patient skin antisepsis in this word search.
Even with the best training, new and experienced nurses alike can forget a needed item.
They don't use the official names?! A humorous look at working in the OR and dealing with (and learning) the many different names surgeons call their instruments.
Get quick tips for performing a laparoscopic cholecystectomy.
Perioperative nurse = multitasking ninja. When four people call your name and there are 10 essential things to do all at once, it can certainly be overwhelming. It is essential to have a strategy for being organized.
When you come to Pennsylvania Hospital, an entity of Penn Medicine, located in Philadelphia, you can take a step back in time to surgical origins.
A new OR RN seeks advice about their anxiety about being on call for the first time.
Point-of-use instrument care is performed to decrease the number of microorganisms on the surface of instruments, prevent the formation of biofilm, decrease the risk of surgical site infection, support the efficiency of decontamination processes, and maintain instruments in good working condition.
A nurse shares the lessons she learned after her patient experienced anaphylaxis in the OR.