145 Results for The Stitch

Functioning as an RN circulator in an OR full of surgeons and support staff can seem very overwhelming for a novice nurse; however, the room can and will run smoothly with confidence.

A nurse seeks advice about making it through orientation with a difficult preceptor.

What is the neutral zone and how can it be used to protect staff and patients?

Get quick tips for a facial prep.

Take this eight-question true-or-false quiz to test your knowledge about Mary Seacole and her contributions to the nursing profession and those in need.

An effective time out prevents wrong-site, wrong-procedure, and wrong-person surgery.

One nurse shares the time she spoke up about a missing lap sponge and reminds novice nurses to listen to their surgical conscience and speak up for their patients.

Patient positioning is one essential factor to consider to reduce the likelihood of intraoperative nerve damage.

How to use that colorful ball next to the shovel, rake, and other sand toys currently sitting unused in your garage to review important topics and encourage team participation.

Get quick tips for performing a small bowel resection, which involves removing diseased portions of the small intestine through an abdominal incision and reconnecting the remaining tissue.

Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy: Everything periop RNs need to know to prepare, support, and recover a patient undergoing this minimally invasive procedure.

Do you have barriers that may be preventing you from acting on your surgical conscience?

Acting on your inner voice will positively affect your patient and your longevity in perioperative nursing.

How to stay organized when you're the only RN Circulator in a room full of surgeons and support staff.

This handy pocket guide describes the four classifications of surgical wounds to identify patients at risk of surgical site infection.

Can you guess a word related to the environment of care in six tries?

Learn how to organize your next escape room.

Learn how exposure to novice experiences will help you grow upwards in your profession.

Abdominal Skin Prep: A Skill-Builder & Refresher: Read and share this bite-sized overview focused on abdominal skin prep in AORN’s online magazine, The Stitch.

Learn about and view the various instruments used during thoracic surgery.

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