191 Results for Periop Today

Regulatory Affairs: CMS Proposal a ‘Horrible Three-Legged Stool’. ASC officials ‘mystified’ by 2024 plan for Medicare patients.

AORN's Periop Today provides updates on news around the perioperative community.

Guidelines author Emily Jones helps you steer clear of ergonomic hazards to keep periop RNs safe. Prevent work-related injuries with this sneak peek at the latest evidence every periop nurse needs to know.

AORN introduces The Stitch: a free online magazine, featuring brief, practical, and interactive articles. The Stitch is designed to help new periop RNs address clinical, interpersonal, and motivational challenges.

Read about best practices to avoid healthcare-associated infections (HAIs) that cause life-threatening consequences for patients.

ASC Education: Effective Credentialing & Peer Review Processes. Designed for the busy ambulatory surgery center (ASC) administrator.

Learn the components of a staffing plan and why productivity is key to the financial success of your facility. Single event or series options available.

AORN's Periop Today provides updates on news around the perioperative community.

Nursing specialty coursework from AORN is helping reduce the risk of nurse turnover after new graduate enter a periop role. Learn how AORN and Chamberlain University College of Nursing and Public Health are giving pre-licensure nursing students a one-on-one clinical experience to get first-hand practice in the perioperative specialty.

10 Tips to Help You Be a Great Preceptor — plus AORN's new course for preceptors. Supercharge your preceptor skills. Find helpful situational videos, scenario-based case studies, and other tools to help prepare you to serve as a preceptor. We also offer reflection points to promote critical thinking, tips for supporting and recognizing orientees, a daily feedback tool, a preceptor hand-off tool, and more.

Read important reminders to consider, including length of the surgery, patient comorbidities, patient’s weight, and common pressure points.

Provides an essential review of patient risk factors, discussion of risk assessment tools and patient assessments, prevention strategies for decreasing patient risk, and use of evidence-based practices for support surfaces and other interventions. Earn 1.0 CH.

AORN's Periop Today provides updates on news around the perioperative community.

How periop staff can protect patients and themselves from exposure to hazardous medications.

Standardizing your skin prep solutions, protocols and tools, and auditing your staff's performance through the entire perioperative process decreases the microbial load on patient skin and reduces surgery-related infection.

Insider tips to help your facility perform some of today's most popular and profitable procedures in a booming service line.

Anyone who uses lasers is invited to join AORN for a half-day, virtual live training to understand and implement laser safety processes. Meets annual staff training requirements.

5 Steps to Improve Room Turnovers: Standardization, communication, and practice can help teams achieve safer, more efficient room readiness. Use these tried-and-true tips to get your turnovers on track.

From pressure injuries to smoke evacuation to wrong-site surgery, take our quiz to see how your facility measures up in a variety of safety areas.

With the right mindset, strategies and support, new ASC leaders can overcome any challenges that come their way. Read valuable insight and strategies from a nurse leader who’s been there.

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