172 Results for Periop Today

Putting a stop to pressure injuries OR teams take all the necessary PI-prevention steps at their disposal. Early assessments, preemptive positioning plans and awareness of potential problem spots are a recipe for success.

AORN offers two HLD resources to help teams better protect patients and pass surveys.

They happen. It’s what you learn that’s important. Read 5 ways to help your team learn from mistakes.

Healthy Work Environment: See how Boston Children's staff took effective steps to support and engage nursing staff, enhance nurse retention and cultivate a culture of excellence in perioperative care.

Prevent Unintended Retained Surgical Items: Unravel the compelling reasons and best practices that underscore the importance of accurate surgical counts and the actions to take when discrepancies arise.

Read recommendations for a VTE protocol and risk assessment for VTE and bleeding. Discusses pharmacologic and mechanical VTE prophylaxis. Covers the importance of getting patients moving post-op, as well as patient and family education.

Reduce Surgical Site Infections: See why universal nasal decolonization should serve as a staple of every facility’s infection prevention bundle.

One of the leading causes of OR fires is shortcomings in teamwork and communication. Let’s talk fire safety and start the conversation by discussing risks, prevention, and improving team communication.

ASC Compliance: Avoid common errors that derail ASC compliance efforts.

Periop Nurses Week Contest: Laugh, learn, and engage Nov. 12 - 18 for a chance to win! Share your experiences, have a laugh, polish your skills, and engage with us for a chance to win!

Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy: Everything periop RNs need to know to prepare, support, and recover a patient undergoing this minimally invasive procedure.

AORN offers education and professional development throughout the year. Check out our upcoming sessions, including online and in-person.

Keep PONV Under Control: PONV is a common complication that can lead to longer patient stays, increased patient financial burden, and a poor patient experience.

During the week of Oct. 9, AORN reminds the periop community that there are significant risks for fire to erupt in the OR setting. Every member of the team plays a role in preventing surgical fire.

Emergency preparedness can be a struggle for ASCs and small facilities. Learn about the top five steps you need to dial-in safety drills for maximum preparedness.

AORN DEI Summit: Learn strategies from experts and colleagues to help you reduce health inequities and improve outcomes for all.

How to stay organized when you're the only RN Circulator in a room full of surgeons and support staff.

Identify At-Risk Patients with a Periop Risk Assessment Tool: A team at NYU Langone Health in New York City developed a risk assessment tool for periop staff to identify patients who have a higher risk of developing a Hospital Acquired Pressure Injury (HAPI).

With surgical smoke laws now on the books in 14 states, surgical leaders might feel the pressure to put the moving parts in place to become smoke-free. Don't worry, it's doable. Just look at the hundreds of facilities who've already implemented clear air initiatives. Read about some of the tools AORN's smoke evacuation experts have created to get you there.

Abdominal Skin Prep: A Skill-Builder & Refresher: Read and share this bite-sized overview focused on abdominal skin prep in AORN’s online magazine, The Stitch.

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