Outpatient Surgery Magazine Archive

2021 Issues

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Product News

4 keys to prevent patient falls. Keep your patients from taking a tumble.

Tools for difficult colonoscopies. Help your doctors see more clearly and move more easily through the colon with the latest scopes and add-ons.

Down the drain or direct to drain? Our search for a simple, safe and cost-effective solution for fluid waste disposal.

Safety: Inside our near-miss wrong-site surgery. Lessons learned from almost implanting the wrong IOL.

Keep your storage room neat and orderly with this Idea That Works.

Is it time to serilize endoscopes? A much-needed higher standard may be on the horizon.

Take a closer look at ophthalmic compounded drugs. Here's what you can do to ensure the sterility, potency and purity of the outsourced injections you use in your facility.

Behind closed doors: Surgery for Santa. I'm pretty sure I saw St. Nick in the OR the night before Christmas.

Let your patients know that you didn't forget about them with this Idea That Works.

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