Outpatient Surgery Magazine Archive

2021 Issues

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Ideas That Work: Visual Aid. Wheeled Count Boards Reduce Risk of Retained Objects.

Ideas That Work: Check Out This Detailed Handoff Form.

Can Your Instrument Program Pass This Test? You should be able to answer "yes" to these 5 questions.

Ideas That Work: Stay Organized. Don't Lose Your Instruments - or Your Marbles.

What's New in Cataract Extraction Technology. New devices and tweaks to current ones aim to make cataract surgery so easy even a reporter can do it.

How Far Will Single-Use Instruments Go? On-demand, one-and-done disposable devices can relieve your instrument backlogs — and you don't have to reprocess them.

Legal Update: Medicare Shifts Its Stance on Total Knees. CMS will cover TKA in hospital outpatient departments, but not in ASCs.

No More No-Shows. Tips to prevent cancelled cases and empty ORs.

Ideas That Work: Manual Communication. Sign Language Limits OR Traffic.

Thinking of Buying... Rigid Sealed Containers. Here's why many facilities are moving away from blue wrap.

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