Outpatient Surgery Magazine Archive

2021 Issues

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Ideas That Work: Trips and Falls. Fatigue Mats Make Great Cord Covers.

Ideas That Work: Hello, My Name Is. Stick Name Tags on Scrub Caps.

4 Advances in Arthroscopy. Your orthopedic surgeons might soon be asking about the latest tools and technologies for improved joint repairs.

Sending Patients Home With Pain Pumps. Peripheral nerve catheters are your secret weapon in the quest for prolonged post-surgical pain control.

Weighing Your Fluid Waste Disposal Options. Are you using the best method for your facility?

Staffing: An Internship Program for New Surgical Nurses. A look at our immersive, hands-on training course for new RNs.

Coding & Billing: Yes, You Can Overturn Medical Necessity Denials. 3 keys to challenging - and collecting on - unfair claim denials.

How Far Will Single-Use Instruments Go? On-demand, one-and-done disposable devices can relieve your instrument backlogs — and you don't have to reprocess them.

Legal Update: Medicare Shifts Its Stance on Total Knees. CMS will cover TKA in hospital outpatient departments, but not in ASCs.

Clean Your Shoes Before You Enter the OR

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