Outpatient Surgery Magazine Archive

2021 Issues

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Ideas That Work: Pre-Op Check. Flag Patients Not Yet Ready for Surgery.

Behind Closed Doors: Oh, the Places I've Gone. I've seen and heard a lot during my 38 years in the OR.

Ideas That Work: The Beauty of a Suggestion Box.

Select the Right Compounding Pharmacy. Be sure you're working with a pharmacy that shares your commitment to keeping patients safe.

Catch DVT If You Can. Deep vein thrombosis is completely treatable if caught in time, but the symptoms aren't always easy to spot.

#MeTooMedicine Exposes Sexual Abuse in Surgery. A nurse stands up to a powerful surgeon and health system.

Tips for Safer Trendelenburg Positioning. Keep patients safe and secure during head-down tilting positions during surgery.

Surgery That Comes With a Warranty. Ensuring successful outcomes could be good for business.

Is it time to serilize endoscopes? A much-needed higher standard may be on the horizon.

Take a closer look at ophthalmic compounded drugs. Here's what you can do to ensure the sterility, potency and purity of the outsourced injections you use in your facility.

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