Outpatient Surgery Magazine Archive

2020 Issues

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Legal update: Double dose of good regulatory news for ASCs. Medicare law promotes pricing transparency and removes EHR penalties.

Product news

Cutting remarks: The OHIO Rule in the OR. Imagine surgical flow with fewer instrument exchanges.

Thinking of buying ... Surgical video monitors. 4K is fantastic, but there are also other factors to consider.

Torn between two meshes. Hernia mesh options are no longer just biologics or conventional — you have new options for more complex cases.

ID dirty scopes during transport with this Idea That Works from Baltimore, MD.

Business Advisor: We posted our prices online (you can, too). Pricing transparency is the surest way to appeal to self-pay patients.

Behind closed doors: Saving the shrew. Don't be a Grinch this holiday season.

Editor's page: follow the money. The math can be tricky in the business of surgery.

Staffing: vendor reps are people, too. Treat your surgical salespeople as strategic partners.

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