Outpatient Surgery Magazine Archive

2020 Issues

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Slow down, save a life. Keeping your staff safe is a challenge in the fast-paced environment of same-day surgery.

Prevent pressure ulcers. 14 strategies to protect your patients from skin lesions caused by friction and unrelieved pressure.

Cutting remarks: Forgiveness: Don't leave home without it. Carrying around old hurts robs us of happiness, joy and energy.

Boost your patient satisfaction survey return rate with this Idea That Works from Austin, Texas.

What surgeons want in their gowns. Comfort, breathability and mobility are nice, but barrier protection is the most important attribute.

Business advisor: Maximize your marketing efforts. A new way to think about promoting your facility to patients and surgeons.

Legal update: The legal burden of workplace bullying. Staff-on-staff hostility puts your facility at risk for litigation.

Behind Closed Doors: The not-so-golden olden days. A look back at a simpler — but not necessarily better — time in the OR.

For a cleaner capnography with more stability try this Idea That Works from Austin, Texas.

Business advisor: Low patient satisfaction scores will cost you. Medicare will withhold part of your reimbursement if patient surveys sag.

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