Outpatient Surgery Magazine Archive

2020 Issues

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Coding & Billing: How Much Are You Leaving on the Table? A busy surgical center shares 4 tips to collect all that's rightfully yours.

Avoid medication errors with this Idea That Works.

Safety: Inside our sharps safety success. We slashed percutaneous injuries in our ORs by more than one-third.

How you're managing the pain of total knees. Our survey finds that blocks and NSAIDs are the most prominent of many tools.

Prevent potential exposure to staff while transporting soiled scopes with this Idea That Works from Mariette, Georgia.

Safety: Fine tune your time outs. 4 ways to encourage your staff to speak up to prevent an error.

Prevent arms from falling off the mattress and potentially causing nerve damage with this Idea That Works from Georgia.

Let's team up to prevent patient harm. Our exploration of surgical safety kicks off with a look at the persistent problem of medical care gone wrong.

Cure a patient's pre-op headache with thie Idea That Works from New Jersey.

Are you following the new scope reprocessing guidelines? Review these 7 takeaways from the most recent guidance to find out for sure.

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