Outpatient Surgery Magazine Archive

2020 Issues

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Infection prevention: The quest for competent sterile processors. It's a dirty job, but it's got to be done right. Here's how you can help.

Try this Idea That Works from Wisconsin, for helping with cell phone usage.

What's new in patient cmmunication apps? Engage with patients in a more intimate way -- on their cherished mobile devices.

Is medical direction of CRNAs a reimbursement scheme or safer for patients? A point-counterpoint between a nurse anesthetist and an anesthesiologist.

Work-Life Balance: Forget money and stress. When it comes to job satisfaction, nothing matters more than being able to juggle the demands of a career and a personal life.

10 things I wish someone had told me about EMRs. Potholes to avoid as you head down the paperless path.

Avoid wasting time walking back and for th across the supply room with this Idea That Works from Indiana.

Is forced air warming losing steam? Why some surgical facilities are seeking alternatives for maintaining normothermia.

Editor's Page: Double standard on double-booked surgeries. If anesthesiologists can supervise multiple ORs, why can't surgeons?

Which is better: wrapped instrument trays or sealed containers? Two sterile processing managers debate the merits of fabric and metal sterilization packaging systems.

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