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The 5 P's of Skin Injury Prevention - Staff & Patient Safety - October

How We're Eliminating Sharps Injuries - Staff & Patient Safety - Octob

Time to Clear the Air - Staff & Patient Safety - October, 2013

6 Steps to Site Marking Success - Staff & Patient Safety - October, 20

Managing an MH Crisis - Staff & Patient Safety - October, 2013

Reduce Your Radiation Exposure - Staff & Patient Safety - October, 201

What Makes an OR Safe? - Staff & Patient Safety - October, 2013

The Case for a Helping Hand - Staff & Patient Safety - October, 2013

How Do You Prevent Slips & Trips in the OR? - Staff & Patient Safety -

Lessons in Medication Labeling - Staff & Patient Safety - October, 201

Coding & Billing: Inside Breast Reconstructions and Revisions - Outpat

Ideas That Work: Calming Young Patients - Outpatient Surgery Magazine

Infection Prevention: Reducing SSIs in Diabetics - Outpatient Surgery

Patient Safety - Outpatient Surgery Magazine - September, 2013

Staff and Patient Satisfaction - Outpatient Surgery Magazine - Septemb

Behind Closed Doors: The Paradox of Being an OR Nurse - Outpatient Sur

Ideas That Work: Eyeglass Cases - Outpatient Surgery Magazine - Septem

Staffing: Take Your Team From Good to Great - Outpatient Surgery Magaz

What Surgeons Want When Cutting & Sealing - Outpatient Surgery Magazin

Get the Most Out of Your Time Out - Outpatient Surgery Magazine - Sept

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