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The unintended consequences of unintended hypothermia. Warming's not just about patient comfort. There are very real threats in even mild hypothermia.

Six ways you can innovate to perform bigger cases with better outcomes. This is how we're pushing the outpatient spine envelope.

Gear up for geriatrics. They can handle surgery, but not the complications of surgery.

The microscopic residue of surgery and exams can cause big-time problems. Beware of the biofilm.

Efficiency and versatility define the Obamacare OR. How healthcare reform is reshaping surgery.

There are new rules for CareCredit cards. Will a more burdensome application process help protect patients?

Tag broken instruments in need of repair with this simple system. An Idea That Works from St. Joseph Hospital in Cheektowaga, New York.

Supplies can still be useful for training see how to repurpose your supplies with this Idea That Works from Lakeshore Surgery Center in Croswell, Michigan.

Join us in New Orleans for a truly meaningful, memorable conference.

Advice on preventing retained objects, pressure ulcers, SSIs and falls. How to avoid hospital-acquired conditions.

It's funny how nursing's routines infiltrate our lives. Return of "You Might Be an OR Nurse If ..."

Prevent fiberoptic endoscopes from bending or breaking with this scope holster. An Idea That Works from Midtown Medical Center in Columbus, Georgia.

Overcome the obstacles in online pre-admissions. Early adopters share what they've learned.

Safety-engineered sharps and trays provide passing protection. Equip your ORs for sharps safety.

Can we get to zero? Yes, experts say it can be done. Prevent wrong-site surgeries.

Can ventral hernia surgery be profitable? Facility leaders say it starts with communication and cost control.

Limited-use instruments and devices save money and prevent waste. Making the case for reposables.

Convert your stretcher table to a hand table with this Idea That Works from Seven Hills Surgery Center in Henderson, Nevada.

Make the removal of tegaderm painless. Stretch it, don't peel it. An Idea That Works from Maryville Surgical Center in Tennessee.

Recent innovations are bringing everything into sharper focus. See It Now: Advances in GI Visualization.

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