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Thinking of buying a smoke evacuation system? View some of the smoke evacuation systems available.
Fill your ORs with the latest crystal clear imaging technologies.
Keep surgeon's cases coming to your facility by providing lunch to surgeons. An Idea that works from a surgery center in Florida.
Stay on top of the great paper chase and conquer physician credentialing with these strategies.
Several advances provide physicians with better views of more areas of the colon. Read about 5 colonoscopy game-changers.
Choose the right tourniquet every time, select a system that's safe and effective.
Killing two blurs with one stone, it might be worth considering combined cataract-glaucoma surgery.
Color-coded cards for pediatric patients match the Broselow pediatric system. Prepare for unexpected airway issues by using laminated matching cards on IV poles. An Idea that Works from a surgery center in Alabama.
Keep tabs on labs using a schedule board. An Idea that Works from a Medical Center in Idaho.
There was plenty of cheer and learning at OR Excellence 2013 in Las Vegas.
Big wheels improve transporation. Avoid struggling while pushing sedated post-op patients in recliner chairs. An Idea that Works from a Surgical Center in Minnesota.
Use sticky notes to flag surgical supplies that are soon to outdate. An Idea that Works from Orange City Area Health System in Iowa.
Handling fluid waste and managing runoff after the Neptune recall.
You might want to kill disruptive physicians, but you can heal them with tough love.
The sooner you can start the next case, the better. Read about the dance of the turnover team and secrets to a speedier room turnover.
Silence meeting mutterers during meetings by stopping talking. An Idea that Works from Ambulatory Surgical Centers of America's Ann Geier.
Get great IV starts. With a 97% first-try success rate, we've ditched the Band-Aids.
New surgical attachments, widening outpatient realm requires more versatility.
Color-coded cataract surgery. Use color-coded caps and dot stickers on eye patients to quickly identify who's undergoing which procedure. An Idea that Works from a Surgery Center in New Jersey.
Consider alternatives to opioids, most patients do fine with a combination of analgesics and regional blocks.