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Ideas That Work: Patient Flow - Outpatient Surgery Magazine - December

Ideas That Work: Securing Belongings - Outpatient Surgery Magazine - J

Ideas That Work: Birthday And Business - Outpatient Surgery Magazine -

Ideas That Work: Fit For a Fallen Friend; Hospital Turns Hallway Into Exercise Track.

Ideas That Work: Medication Expirations - Outpatient Surgery Magazine

Ideas That Work: Hygiene On Hand - Outpatient Surgery Magazine - Decem

Ideas That Work: Custom Whiteboards - Outpatient Surgery Magazine - Fe

Ideas That Work: Soothing Strategy - Outpatient Surgery Magazine - Feb

Ideas That Work: Safe Medication Delivery - Outpatient Surgery Magazin

Ideas That Work: Magic Eraser - Outpatient Surgery Magazine - Septembe

Ideas That Work: Let It Be Written, Let It Be Done - Outpatient Surger

Ideas That Work: Pearls For Pediatric Patients - Outpatient Surgery Ma

Ideas That Work: 2-Hour Delay - Outpatient Surgery Magazine - February

Ideas That Work: View From The Waiting Room - Outpatient Surgery Magaz

Ideas That Work: Supplies On Wheels - Outpatient Surgery Magazine - Fe

Ideas That Work: Smart Storage - Outpatient Surgery Magazine - Novembe

Behind Closed Doors: An advice column for OR Nurses with a workplace issue. Humor from Paula Watkins, RN, CNOR.

Direct-to-patient marketing? Our Editor-in-Chief reviews The Total Joint Center at Springfield (Pa.) Hospital. Need hip or knee replacement surgery, why not be comfortable?

Total Joints at a Freestanding ASC? Why Not? - Promotion Pieces - May,

Calm anxious surgical patients before surgery with soothing sounds. An Idea that Works from a medical center in Minnesota.

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