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Precise control of the light's brightness and beam - when and where they need it. Is this what your surgeons want in headlights?
Better exposure translates to faster and safer surgery. Give surgeons the access they need.
Imaging advances and improved access ease surgeons' burdens. Laparoscopic visualization makes a leap forward.
Imagine seeing images at 4 times the resolution of today's high-definition video displays. Ultra high definition is coming to the OR.
Don't let smoke, fog or debris impede laparoscopic procedures. Check out these 3 simple ways to clear the view.
Many of today's hernia meshes have a lower risk of adhesion and infection than their heavyweight, unwieldy predecessors. Prevent infection after hernia surgery.
Keep straws secure from floating up and falling out of the spout using the pop top. An Idea that Works from North Memorial Ambulatory Surgery Center at Maple Grove.
Collecting co-pays doesn't have to be a painful process. Settle up before surgery.
Letters & E-mails - Outpatient Surgery Magazine - December, 2013
Encourage your staff's best behavior with a prime parking spot to show your appreciation. An Idea that Works from Central Louisiana Surgical Hospital.
Quickly notify your turnover team that a room is ready for them by using a beeper. An Idea that Works from Jack C. Montgomery VA Medical Center.
8 questions on the rules that protect your staff. Get the point of sharps safety.
Recycle blue wrap to line storage shelves. An Idea that Works from Sarasota Memorial Health Care System.
Have you automated these 5 areas yet? These folks only wish they'd done it sooner.
Most readers we surveyed tout accreditation benefits, with a few caveats. How do you really feel about accreditation?
Take a photo of loaner sets to prove the condition they were in when you received them by using an inexpensive digital camera. An Idea that Works from Midtown Surgery Center.
Could any of these 10 labeling and storage accidents waiting to happen, be lurking in your facility?
Thinking of Buying ... Retina Accessories for Ophthalmic Microscopes, get the big picture for posterior segment surgery.
A surgical songbook for the holiday season. See Paula Watkins's Christmas carols for OR Nurses.
Sell your soon-to-expire supplies to another surgical center if you are unable to use it in time. An Idea that Works from Marion Eye Specialists Surgery Center.