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The view from inside. For colonoscopy, good visualization is getting better.
Why 3D still matters. Depth perception brings several advantages to surgical imaging.
Bug zapper. Room-disinfection robots shoot beams of ultraviolet light to reduce the bacterial count on surfaces you might have missed.
Making sense of cloud computing. The cloud can mobilize your facility, but keep your surgeons and staff on the same page.
Product News - Outpatient Surgery Magazine - March, 2014
The industry suffers every time an ASC is converted to an HOPD.
A dignified way to treat their addiction and their surgical recovery. Safety: 5 Tips for Treating Addicted Patients
Thinking of Buying ... Surgical Power Tools? Here are 4 keys to getting your orthopods the toys they'll love.
How we cut our ortho costs to the bone. 3 smart, simple strategies to save on implants and supplies.
An anesthesiologist used to being above the table shares 6 lessons she learned while being on the table.
Risk running afoul of anti-kickback law when you take what's not yours. Legal Update: The Dangers of Trying to Profit from Anesthesia
See what's new in tourniquet technology. These advances in instruments and cuffs provide greater safety and efficacy for your patients.
This simple gesture can make a big difference in your customer service scores. An Idea That Works from Las Vegas, Nevada.
Regional's building blocks: 4 keys to improving pain management for orthopedic procedures.
Make orthopedic SSIs all but disappear. We're zeroing in on zero, using these 9 steps.
Two gloves are better than one. Double-gloving is proven to reduce risks of sharps injuries and exposure to bloodborne infections.
Standardize the soak time with a simple kitchen timer. An Idea That Works from Sumter, South Carolina.
Improve your arthroscopic efficiency. Tips and technology to step up a busy schedule.
Try this cost-effective irrigation alternative to BSS. An Idea That Works from Carlsbad, California.
Implement this time saving tip with color coded charts. An Idea That Works from Racine, Wisconsin.