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Handling heavier patients. 7 products you need to care for today's larger patients.

Pre-positioning cataract surgery patients saves time. An Idea that Works from Hazleton, Pennsylvania.

Can you pass our immediate-use steam sterilization quiz? Do's and don'ts for when you need that item right away.

Safety: Can you trust your compounding lab? How to evaluate the companies that compound sterile drugs.

Put DVT prevention into practice. Evidence-based strategies will help you circumvent the clot.

Thinking of Buying ... Fluid waste management systems? Which automated collection and disposal unit is right for you?

5 keys to managing MH. The potentially fatal disorder can strike at any time. Are you prepared to save a life?

How do you control post-op pain? No two anesthesia providers manage the 5th vital sign in the same way.

PONV prevention. Do everything you can to have every patient feeling fine after surgery.

Why warming matters. Patient normothermia is a key concern for successful anesthesia outcomes.

Avoid intubation trouble. You shouldn't be surprised by a difficult airway.

Safety: Managing patients on blood thinners. Limiting bleeding risks demands a personalized approach.

Ideas That Work: Color coding. Binder clips on curtains convey a lot. Color coded clips on curtains convey patient status with this Idea that Works from Baxter, Minnesota.

Cutting Remarks: Recovery room blues. Things don't always go as planned in PACU.

Infection Prevention: A superbug meets its unlikely match. Well-designed mass e-mails helped curb Acinetobacter baumannii.

Ideas That Work: 28-Day calendar. Know when multi-use vials expire at a glance. Save time on calculating expiration dates with this Idea That Works from Newport Beach, California.

Tips for greening the operating room. Sensible steps you can take today to shrink your carbon footprint.

Ideas That Work: Recognition and reward. Share compliments (and maybe cash). Share positive feedback and reward staff with this Idea That Works from Torrance, Callifornia.

Can you pass this prepping quiz? Want to start a great debate? Ask your surgeons and nurses to defend their skin prepping preferences and beliefs.

Are morcellators safe for hysterectomies? They speed the procedure, but do they spread cancer, too? See what this gynecologic surgeon has to say.

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