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Does your high-level disinfection hack it? Research highlights the importance of renewed focus on proper endoscope reprocessing.

The evolution of barrier protection. A review of the many ways that gloves, gowns, masks and drapes prevent infections.

Your options in whole room disinfection. Several systems take the human element out of cleaning OR surfaces.

Basics of blocks. Everything you need to place ultrasound-guided peripheral nerve blocks.

Yes, you can do outpatient spinal fusion. These 4 factors are making it possible.

Keep your guard up for malignant hyperthermia. Here's how we keep from being caught unprepared.

Idientify vendors quickly with this Idea That Works from San Antonio, Texas.

Ophthalmic microscopes leap forward. 5 new features that will make life better for surgeons and patients.

Test your patient warming know-how. Let's hear your answers to these 7 questions.

Thinking of buying surgical headlights? These factors will help surgeons see the light.

Cutting Remarks: Open season for vendors in our ORs. Scenes from the sales frenzy that was our video camera evaluation.

Anesthesia Alert: Are you using ultrasound to its full potential? How it's transforming anesthesia and perioperative care.

Behind Closed Doors: Things that make you go hmmm. I don't stay in one OR for long, but I don't miss much while I'm there.

Locate your autoclave printout easily with this Idea That Works from Gainseville, Georgia.

Keep cords under control with a shower curtain rod. An Idea That Works from Santa Monica, California.

Ask the Etiquette Doctor: Which side does the fork go on again? Here's an easy way to remember which utensils to use.

Business Advisor: Your crash course in case costing. Replace expensive surgical supplies with less costly alternatives.

Get free magazines for your waiting room. An Idea That Works from Gainsville, Georgia.

Corrosion-free instruments. The keys to preventing spots, stains and pits.

Infection Prevention: What's up with TASS? Incidences are on the decline, but there's still work to be done.

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