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To eliminate SSIs, we went back to square one. The way we'd always done things wasn't good enough.
Anesthesia Alert: Why starve and dehydrate your patients? You are if you're forcing them to fast from midnight.
Communicate with email in a professional manner with these Email Do's and Don'ts.
Use sticker dots to track costly supplies with this Idea that Works from Sunset Hills, Missouri.
Letters & E-mails: Don't text and operate. Pain-free surgery. Evidence-based practice. The "Karwoski Calculator."
How we added emergency ortho care. Putting the pieces together to provide fracture care at our ASC.
Motivate your doctors with a chance to win a gift card. An Idea that Works from Ukiah, California.
Stay up to date with Outpatient Surgery Magazine with these simple steps from our Suregons' Lounge.
Ensure all critical SCIP data is entered the day of surgery with this Idea that Works from Houston, Texas.
Behind Closed Doors: Sis boom bah. Every surgical team needs cheerleaders.
Try this simple, fun contest to get staff thinking about the cost of surgical supplies with this Idea that Works from Delray Beach, Florida.
Attack the distracted doctoring problem head on with distraction free tablets.
New options for ophthalmic surgery. Keeping an eye out for innovation at the American Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery conference.
Stop tripping on bed cords with the Utility Guardian, a simple bracket that Dr. Bacon invented.
The latest in laparoscopic surgery. There were plenty of innovative devices on display in the exhibit hall at this year's SAGES conference.
Product News: A cool solution to warm work environments. An upper GI scope that does it all. Portable exam boot upgrades tables in seconds.
The OR of the future. It's about people and technology bringing out the best in each other.
Double the functionality of large plastic garbage bags and save money with this Idea that Works from Gaylord, Michigan.
ditor's Page: The dangers of competing on cost. ASCs should be happy to remain the low-cost alternative to hospitals.
Cutting Remarks: Cut costs, not corners. Shaving expenses in the OR can be a hard pill to swallow.