All 10368 Results

More than just a pretty picture. Video monitors are growing in size, capability and clarity -- and providing advantages that extend well beyond what surgeons see.

Bullish on bariatric surgery. Could these 5 procedures revitalize weight-loss surgery?

Medical malpractice: Should patients sign arbitration agreements? They often unknowingly forfeit their right to sue doctors in courts of law.

Patient positioning advances. Devices designed to improve the efficiency and safety of even the most complex cases.

Take our barrier protection quiz. Is your staff fully protected from harmful fluids and chemicals?

Be certain that endoscopes are still clean with this Idea That Works from San Francisco, Calif.

Business advisor: Ready to tackle block time. A fair-and-square approach to block scheduling your surgeons will love.

How safe are your patients in 2017? Challenges remain, but many surgical leaders are finding ways to overcome them.

Protect your employees from harm with this Idea That Works from Boston, Mass.

Flash forward. The unexpected benefits of abstaining from immediate-use steam sterilization.

Thinking of Buying ... Fluid waste management systems. Your options in hard-plumbed and portable direct-to-drain systems.

Get patients out of PACU faster with this Idea That Work from Boston, Mass.

Avoid spreading bacteria with this simple Idea That Works from Los Angeles, Calif.

Time to buy a new table? Features that matter most when buying your next OR bed.

Behind closed doors: Surgical superheroes. Imagine what we could do if we had extraordinary powers.

Editor's page: when quality reporting becomes burdensome. Patient satisfaction surveys could be more trouble than they're worth.

Are you ready for OAS CAHPS? Mandatory participation in CMS's patient-satisfaction program begins in less than 6 months (we think). Here's how to prepare.

7 efficiency-boosting anesthesia products. These solutions help you move patients from pre-op to discharge as quickly and as safely as possible.

Ophthalmologist sues over "unconstitutional" certificate-of-need process. Lawsuit: Iowa's "burdensome" 40-year-old CON process — and intervention from nearby hospitals — has prevented eye surgeon from using his fully equipped surgery center.

5 tips for continuous nerve block success. Seasoned pros share their secrets for managing post-op pain long after patients leave your facility.

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