Be sure to operate on the correct operative site with this Idea That Works from Florida.
Deep dive into VTE prevention. Match prophylaxis to patient-specific risks to guard against clot formation.
Editor's Page: FDA's forced air letter seems a little forced. The FDA recommends you continue using 3M's forced-arm warmers.
This Idea That Works from Maryland, will help eliminate danger to staff and risk of infection when checking blood sugar.
Can you pass our electrosurgery quiz. Find out how much your surgeons and staff know about the science of surgical energy.
Johnson & Johnson hit with $57M judgment in pelvic mesh trial. Court-ordered payment is going to a woman who underwent 3 surgeries to remove defective pelvic mesh implants.
Secure the safety of patients and staff with this Idea That Works from Florida.
Medical Malpractice: The limits of informed consent. Can patients claim damages if they were aware of the risks?
Product News
SSI Prevention: A bridge between infection prevention and the OR. A late career switch stamping out surgical site infections.
Financial Management: This ENT center sees strength in numbers. The Surgery Center of Fort Wayne, Ind., takes a team approach to purging unnecessary costs.
Patient Safety: "Burning Bruce" drives home the reality of surgical fires. Frighteningly realistic drills are the norm for the Stony Point Surgery Center.
Secrets to speedy OR turnover times. How to turn rooms over safely and efficiently.
Are those stethoscopes clean? You may be ignoring this common source of pathogens.
Exciting advances in ophthalmic laser therapy. Taking a closer look at laser treatments for floaters, macular degeneration, diabetic retinopathy and glaucoma.
Legal Update: Be smart about smartphone use. Mitigate the legal risks of cell phones in your facility.
Time to add bariatric surgery? Weight-loss surgery can be your gain.
2017 OR Excellence awards. For these 7 winners, a commitment to going beyond the "call of duty" is in their DNA.
Staff Safety: Standing up for surgical smoke safety. The staff at Dosher Memorial Hospital banded together to protect themselves — and surgeons — from the dangers of toxic plumes.
4 game-changing advances in surgical video. New technology is providing stunning clarity and a whole lot more.