Are your patients at risk of DVT? The vascular surgeon who created the Caprini Score discusses how to protect your patients from life-threatening blood clots.
Two gloves are better than one. Double-gloving can be a hard sell, but there are plenty of reasons to make it mandatory.
Sell surgeons on safety scalpels. Emphasizing the personal and financial costs of sharps injuries will help get safer blades into your ORs.
Make MH drills count. Realistic practice sessions could someday prove to be life-saving exercises.
Let's ban surgical smoke. It's time to protect all surgical professionals from the harmful effects of toxic plumes.
Sterile processing safety check. The unsung heroes of your facility deserve to work without worry.
Lessons from 3 wrong-site surgeries. Focus on what really happened, not what's supposed to happen.
Hospital: Cerner's software caused $16 million in losses. Agnesian Healthcare claims coding errors in billing software from Cerner forced it to send out bills by hand.
Perfect your patient warming protocols. It takes a total team effort to maintain normothermia in patients from pre-op to the PACU.
What would you do if bullets started to fly? Lenworth M. Jacobs, MD, MPH, FACS, surgeon and proponent of preparing for active shooter events.
Prevent slips, trips & falls in the OR. Cords, clutter, puddles and other hazards can lead to workplace injuries.
5 steps to improved c-arm safety. ???Protect your surgical team from intraoperative imaging's hidden harm.
Let's ban surgical smoke. It's time to protect all surgical professionals from the harmful effects of toxic plumes.
The horror and heartbreak of a retained object. Nurses with firsthand experience of retained surgical items carry deep emotional scars.
Duodenoscope with disposable distal cap said to be easier to reprocess. The FDA says the disposable cap will improve access for cleaning and reprocessing.
Who's using the robot? Study: Urology, gynecology and endocrine-related surgery have the highest proportion of robotic-assisted procedures.
Inmate claims he was needlessly handcuffed and shackled during and after emergency appendectomy. Despite objections from surgeon, prison guards kept patient restrained for days, according to lawsuit.
Editorial: Orthopedists should hand in their football sideline passes. Citing brain-injury risk, journal says orthopedic surgeons should not support football.
Make things a little easier for your surveyor with this Idea That Works from Georgia.
Patient Satisfaction: Hired to exceed expectations. For the staff of Mackinac Straits Health System Surgery Center, going "above and beyond" is part of the job.