Infection prevention: Help your reprocessors do the right thing. Give your techs the training and the tools they need to bust those bugs.
Help your nursces to foster a stronger sense of accountability with this Idea That Works.
Behind closed doors: 4 Signs it's going to be a great day. Sometimes you just know that the road will rise to meet you.
5 tips for safely handling sleep apnea patients. Most of your obstructive sleep apnea patients don't even know they have it.
Your best treatment options for GERD. Several possible interventions are available. Here are some factors to consider.
7 tips to prevent medication errors. Ensure the right dose of the right medication reaches the right patient.
Safety: Avoid opioid-related respiratory depression. Continuous electronic monitoring tops pulse oximetry or spot checks.
Improve your arthroscopy imaging. Clearer, sharper views in your orthopedic ORs will let surgeons perform safer and more efficient surgery.
How to stamp out astigmatism. The 5 keys to surgical success with astigmatism correction.
Try this crafty Idea That Works for recycling your medication vial caps.
Numerous cases of a potentially blinding condition have been tied to Vancomycin injections. Although the cause of hemorrhagic occlusive retinal vasculitis is currently unproven, there is a strong association with the use of intraocular vancomycin, says FD
Confirm the correct surgical procedure with this Idea That Works.
Endoscope reprocessing from start to finish. Is perfection possible every time when disinfecting scopes?
Winning with nerve blocks. 20 little-known facts about regional anesthesia that could be holding you back.
Take a uniform approach to cleaning the OR with this Idea That Works.
A deep dive into surface disinfection. Our infection control consultant has 10 questions for your cleaning crew.
Editor's page: A day of surgeries and zero opioids. Will alternative pain management techniques go mainstream?
When bilateral total knees make total sense. With the right patients and right protocols, there's no good reason not to double up.
Nurse dies while protecting his orthopedic surgeon-wife during Mandalay Bay Massacre. Sonny Melton, RN, one of the 59 reported deaths during the Las Vegas shooting on Sunday night, protected his wife from deadly gunfire.
Dental assistant and former ASC co-worker shot each other up after stealing vial of morphine. An investigation into the woman's overdose has led to charges of burglary, larceny and now manslaughter against friend and former colleague Jessica Hill.