Redesign & reinvent your reprocessing room. The central sterile department at St. Cloud Hospital is a high-tech, staff-friendly wonder.
Sprays and wipes could degrade plastics over time. The repeated use of "incompatible" cleaning products could be harming medical devices.
Thinking of Buying ... Whole-room disinfection systems? Automated units reach the surfaces that manual cleaning misses.
Infection prevention: The quest for competent sterile processors. It's a dirty job, but it's got to be done right. Here's how you can help.
Are you following the new scope reprocessing guidelines? Review these 7 takeaways from the most recent guidance to find out for sure.
Which is better: wrapped instrument trays or sealed containers? Two sterile processing managers debate the merits of fabric and metal sterilization packaging systems.
Surgical skin antisepsis done right. 10 tips for ensuring that patients begin their surgical procedure with an aseptic surgical site.
Make room in your budget for whole-room disinfection. Mobile robots hunt down and destroy even the hardiest of multidrug-resistant organisms.
The nose knows: Stop staph where it lurks. For a small cost, nasal decolonization can pack a big punch in the fight against SSIs.
Where's the love? How to nurture a healthy central sterile supply-OR relationship.
Drug-resistant fungus linked to 4 deaths in U.S. hospitals. The CDC says Candida auris has been identified in a total of 13 cases here.
Study: Patient warming doesn't prevent SSIs in clean wound surgery. Researchers find intraoperative hypothermia not significantly associated with SSIs.
Study: Surgical robots may be too complex to adequately clean.
Missed a spot? From UV robots to vapor fogging with hydrogen peroxide, a review of your whole-room disinfection options.
Can you pass our surface disinfection quiz? 20 questions to test your infection prevention insight.
How does your endoscopy reprocessing compare? Our reader survey shows most GI facilities are following national standards, but it also uncovered some worrisome trends.
Simethicone in scopes could pose infection risk. Researchers sound warning on using the anti-flatulence agent to clear the view in endoscopes.
Barrier protection breakdown. What if your drapes, gowns, gloves and wraps don't protect you as they should?
Study: UV lamps reduce bacteria on computer keyboards by 99%. A new study suggests that UV lamps could help lower the risk of healthcare-associated infections.
ACS issues new guidelines on OR attire. The dress code addresses how to properly wear scrubs, masks, hats and gowns.