946 Results for Infection Prevention

How Should You Manage Fluid Waste? You have several options to choose from, but only a few ways to do it safely.

Promote Perfect Attendance; Text message reminders and online patient registration portals can put an end to canceled cases.

A Wide-Angle View of Today's Whole-Room Disinfection Systems; ??Which automated surface-sterilizing technology best suits your needs?

New-School Thinking in Sterile Reprocessing; Interactive imaging and the return of ethylene oxide will shape the future care of contaminated instruments.

We've always known about the hidden bacterial threat in your OR's anesthesia work area, the microbes lingering on the anesthesia machine and the pathogens...

Soon after a total joint or a colon resection patient settles into his pre-op room at Mercy Health St. Elizabeth Boardman (Ohio) Hospital, he's greeted by a nurse holding a box...

Despite widespread coverage of high-profile outbreaks associated with unsafe injection practices, staff members who use needles and syringes continue to place patients...

From biological indicators to sterilization containers, here’s a breakdown of the latest weapons you can add to your bug-busting arsenal as part of a bundled approach...

6 Ways to Stamp Out Superbugs; Healthcare-associated infections are on the decline, but antibiotic-resistant bacteria remain a constant threat.

The High Risks of High-Touch Surfaces; How do you assess cleanliness when a visually clean item can still harbor contamination?

New Ideas for Preventing Endophthalmitis; Intracameral antibiotics, proven to lower the rate of infection substantially, are catching on.

The Shift From Disinfection to Sterilization; We overhauled our GI scope reprocessing process in pursuit of our ultimate goal: to eliminate high-level disinfection.

Infection Prevention: The Instrument Whisperer Has Spoken; Tips on dealing with instrument repair and maintenance.

Infection Prevention: Zero Infections and Counting; Small improvements made a big difference in this hospital's quest to eliminate surgical site infections.

Can You Pass This Decontamination Quiz? See how well you know all that your reprocessing techs need to know.

Do You Care to Clear the Air? Can new airflow and air purification products help solve the drawbacks of traditional ceiling-to-floor laminar airflow?

How We Lowered Our SSI Rate; When we saw a spike in infections, here's how we addressed it.

5 Innovations in Infection Prevention; To defeat the infectious invaders on the front lines of surgical care, you have to fight dirty.

Infection Prevention; Rewriting the Rules of Cataract Reprocessing

Are Your Endoscopes Really Clean? Are Your Endoscopes Really Clean?

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