Pentax Voluntarily Recalls ED-3490TK Video Duodenoscopes for Design and Labeling Changes. Pentax will replace the forceps elevator mechanism, O-rings and the distal end covering.
Skin Prep Pop Quiz. Test your knowledge on best practices for preventing surgical site infections.
10 Tips for Effective Endoscope Reprocessing. Check out this expert advice to strengthen your flexible endoscope cleaning and disinfection practices.
Weighing Your Fluid Waste Disposal Options. Are you using the best method for your facility?
Is it time to serilize endoscopes? A much-needed higher standard may be on the horizon.
Is your cleaning barely scratching the surface? Tap into the science of surface disinfection to rid your rooms of infection-causing bioburden.
Infection prevention: don't define your reprocessors by their failures. Let your sterile processing department prove itself to you.
Study: <i>C. Diff</i> Transmission "Might Be More Likely to Occur" in Surgical Centers
Researchers study which alcohol hand rub dries fastest. Study compares liquid, gel and foam forms of isopropanol and ethanol formulations.
A deep dive into surface disinfection. Our infection control consultant has 10 questions for your cleaning crew.
Infection prevention: Help your reprocessors do the right thing. Give your techs the training and the tools they need to bust those bugs.
Sterile processing safety check. The unsung heroes of your facility deserve to work without worry.
Perfect your patient warming protocols. It takes a total team effort to maintain normothermia in patients from pre-op to the PACU.
Are those stethoscopes clean? You may be ignoring this common source of pathogens.
5 strategies for whole-room disinfection. When time and resources are limited, efficiency is the key.
Infection prevention: A gross cure for recurrent <em>C. diff</em>. When antibiotics fail, fecal transplants are remarkably effective.
Take our barrier protection quiz. Is your staff fully protected from harmful fluids and chemicals?
The new rules of terminal cleaning. Has your approach to end-of-day OR disinfection evolved with the times?
Flash forward. The unexpected benefits of abstaining from immediate-use steam sterilization.
Don't be a stranger to the scope room. Because there's a lot you don't know about endoscope reprocessing.