Infection Prevention: Zero Infections and Counting; Small improvements made a big difference in this hospital's quest to eliminate surgical site infections.
How We Lowered Our SSI Rate; When we saw a spike in infections, here's how we addressed it.
Do You Care to Clear the Air? Can new airflow and air purification products help solve the drawbacks of traditional ceiling-to-floor laminar airflow?
Can You Pass This Decontamination Quiz? See how well you know all that your reprocessing techs need to know.
5 Innovations in Infection Prevention; To defeat the infectious invaders on the front lines of surgical care, you have to fight dirty.
Combat Biofilm; Tips to prevent bacteria's slimy fortress from forming on your instruments.
On Point; No More Excuses
Get Reprocessing Right With Every Tool, Every Time; Q&A with Weston "Hank" Balch, CRCST, CER, CIS, CHL, instrument care expert and sterile processing podcaster.
Make the Switch to Rigid Sterilization Containers; Do away with blue wrap for reprocessing high-volume instrument sets.
Are Your Endoscopes Really Clean? Are Your Endoscopes Really Clean?
Twice the Protection; Double gloving prevents injury and infection, so why aren't more surgical teams doing it?
Infection Prevention; Rewriting the Rules of Cataract Reprocessing
Stop the Spread of MRSA; Nasal decolonization is a practical way to lower infection risks.
Scratch Beneath the Surface; Audit the effectiveness of OR cleaning by taking a big-picture view of the entire process.
A Look Inside Low-Temp Sterilization; 6 points to keep in mind about reprocessing heat-sensitive instruments.
Patient Warming Stops SSIs Cold; Maintaining normothermia promotes wound healing and helps reduce infection risks.
5 Ways to Standardize Skin Prepping Practices; Applying preps the same way every time eliminates the variables that increase infection risk.
Rev Up Your Reprocessing Room; 8 exciting high-tech advances on the horizon for your facility's instrument hub.
By targeting our most vulnerable patients, we dramatically reduced SSIs.
A Smarter Way to Sterilize Instruments - Sterile processing departments should be built to bridge the gap between reprocessing techs and OR teams.