Voting Matters
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AORN leaders determine the direction of AORN in support of the role of perioperative nurses.
View the AORN National Ballot for the upcoming term of office.
View the nomination by petition policy for candidate voting.
AORN Governance
AORN is governed by an elected 12-member Board of Directors whose qualifications for office are determined by the Nominating Committee of 5 members. Elections are annual and results are announced at AORN Global Surgical Conference & Expo.
The AORN Board of Directors supports our mission to define and advocate for patient and staff safety by maintaining good financial stewardship, setting the strategic direction of the Association, and providing and establishing policies and goals for the profession.
The AORN Nominating Committee evaluates potential candidates for all elected positions and supports members throughout their candidacy and election process.
2024-2025 Leadership
Meet the Board of Directors and Nominating Committee serving the 2024-2025 term.