AORN Center of Excellence in Surgical Safety
Comprehensive Education and Recognition Programs
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Become an AORN Center of Excellence in Surgical Safety
Confirm your commitment to the highest standards of patient safety, improve workplace safety and satisfaction and earn national recognition through comprehensive, team-based education programs.
Smoke Evacuation
Go ClearTM with the AORN Center of Excellence in Surgical Safety: Smoke Evacuation. A comprehensive approach to ensure a smoke-free environment wherever surgical smoke is generated to protect patient and worker safety.
RSI Prevention
AORN’s Center of Excellence in Surgical Safety: Prevention of RSI is a team-based education program to prevent unintentionally retained surgical items, using immersive technology to improve skills and give your team the peace of mind they deserve.Coming Soon: Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS)
AORN’s Center of Excellence in Surgical Safety: Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS) is a free education program that aims to improve patients’ physical and psychological conditions before, during, and after surgery.
Sign up to receive a free gap analysis and be the first to know about exciting program updates!These complimentary programs are made possible by sponsor support through the AORN Foundation.