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As JD Buchert, MSN, M.Ed., MS, RN, and colleague Kelly Murphy, BSN, RN, NE-BC, put the finishing touches on their upcoming presentation for AORN’s 70th annual conference on aromatherapy and other strategies to cut stress and boost wellness, they shared a few tips to target stress reduction.

A team from Southern Ocean Medical Center shares their success story.

Guidelines Editor-in-Chief Erin Kyle gives us her top tools and strategies to implement updates across eight guidelines that AORN just published.

For many, New Year’s is synonymous with resolutions. We asked chapter leaders what tops their lists, and they were eager to share some fresh ideas for bringing together periop colleagues at the local level.

AORN Expo keynote speaker shares how to change your mindset to get somewhere new.

Check out these 31 gift ideas from AORN nurses for your nurse colleagues or your own wish list.

For a periop professional, a promise has the potential to go a long way.

Learn how the team at Rady Children’s Hospital is using non-opioid options to reduce opioid exposure.

AORN committee leaders share their stories of mentorship, greening the OR, and advancing public health.

Working in an environment where nurses feel appreciated, inspired and always have someone to lean on is not as difficult as it may seem, according to workforce retention expert Clint Pulver.

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