How detection systems could reduce up to 97% of unintentionally retained surgical items.
One of the common questions I am asked by novice nurses is, “When will I know everything I need to be a safe and competent perioperative nurse?” Here is how I respond to those nurses.
Discover the crucial role of perioperative nurses in ERAS implementation. Learn about preoperative, intraoperative, and postoperative care strategies, and how to optimize patient outcomes. Explore AORN Guidelines Workshops for in-depth ERAS training.
Struggling with rising SSIs in your OR? The latest Periop Life Blog explores three crucial interventions that are making a real difference in reducing surgical site infections.
Perioperative nurses play a vital role in fostering a welcoming and inclusive environment for transgender and gender-diverse (TGD) patients. Effective communication, open dialogue, and a commitment to providing compassionate, patient-centered care are essential to ensuring that all patients feel valued and respected throughout their perioperative journey.
Take some time to reflect and discover what it is that motivates you. Dig deep and find your purpose. And answer this question for yourself, “Why do I work in the OR?”
As a new nurse, how do I convince my teammates that I know what I’m doing (mostly)?
I’m sure you’ve heard that OR nurses are a special, but I’m here to say that OR NPDPs are truly a special group, also.
I am one of many nurses who earned a second degree in nursing. I have a bachelor’s in violin performance, but after exploring different healthcare opportunities decided that nursing is my calling.
Making decisions to feel better now is possible, here’s how.
Discover how social determinants of health impact perioperative care and patient outcomes. Learn practical steps perioperative nurses can take to improve patient well-being and advocate for change.
One nurse leader and research expert questioned the 'why' behind current iodine allergy practices. Her findings uncovered many myths that nurses can debunk to improve patient care.
Test your knowledge about sterile technique with this acrostic puzzle.
Some of the skills perioperative nurses need to support their patients cannot be taught in a classroom, making the relationship between nurse preceptor and preceptee vital.
Dr. DeBakey left an astonishing legacy of surgical innovation, medical education and research, and health care policy, as well as thousands of patients whose lives were saved by his skills.
Behind the double doors of the sterile processing department, crucial practices ensure surgery readiness and patient safety. Learn strategies for achieving similar success.
One nurse shares her journey to becoming a perioperative nurse.
Adopt new evidence to halt infection transmission.
The ESU consists of an electrosurgical generator with connections for a foot pedal, handpiece, and dispersive electrode (ie, grounding pad, Bovie pad).
This article provides an example of how an annual competency for preoperative patient skin antisepsis was created and proctored in a series of steps.