All 1052 Results

As the unemployment rate continues to decline for all workers, and in particular registered nurses, facilities must look for a competitive hiring adva

Have you ever thought of pursuing a career in perioperative nursing? If you'd like a specialty that is exciting, high-tech, and fast-paced – surgical

Looking ahead is smart. It gives you a chance to envision where you want to be in your professional journey and what you need to do to get there. Perioperative nursing is unique because there is a defined series of rungs in the career ladder that many nurses take.

We have all been through stressful times that have caused us to lose sleep because of worry. However, the challenges of responding to coronavirus is certainly unprecedented.

No manager wants a stressed-out team. And while employees have some responsibility to monitor their stress levels, leaders need to play a critical role in preventing and remedying burnout.

Are you feeling complacent about your work? If you are like many perioperative nurses, you dreamed of being a nurse since childhood. For others, your

In the August 2 issue of Periop Today, Dr. Phyllis provided insight into the value of emotional intelligence in the workplace as being essential to he

Career health depends on taking in a steady stream of “career” oxygen to improve your professional life and, in turn, improve patient care. AORN has a

If you think you are ready to step up from clinical practice to take on a leadership role, it’s important to understand the true scope of what it takes to be a good perioperative nursing leader. Here are several characteristics of strong perioperative leaders.

There are times when finding a peaceful place in our minds is more important than our professional development. Follow this guide to meditation.

Getting upper management to notice you, your skills, and your contributions requires a strategy. Here’s the formula to get your boss to see the impact you're making every day.

These four tips will help you land that perioperative dream job.

A large number of perioperative nurses are nearing the end of their career and are looking forward to life after retirement, where they can focus on family and *gasp* themselves.

If you want to make a move, create a job alert on the AORN Career Center site, then sit back and let the listings come to you. If you want to fill a p

No one wants to work for a cowardly boss. A manager who avoids difficult issues, praises poor performance, or tries to buy loyalty by saying yes to any idea can have a paralyzing impact on their team. There are a few things you can do if you’re in this situation.

How do you attract perioperative nursing staff who will be a great, and lasting, fit for your facility?

Coaches help teams to be their best, on the playing field as well as in nursing units. For Rose Sherman, EdD, RN, NEA-BC, FAAN, three mentors spotted her potential to be a leadership coach and helped her put it into practice.

Operating room employers - AORN’s Salary Survey data can help you recruit surgical nurses.

If you’re a hiring manager, the next time you interview a candidate for a new position, you have an opportunity to help your company be more equitable and fair.

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