To help you navigate your first Expo with confidence, one nurse put together a top 20 list of things to remember as you plan your trip and as you make your way through this exciting perioperative event.
The type and size of suture used for a procedure are based on numerous factors, such as wound location and size, desired strength, and type of repair.
Showing your orientees how to find the answer and troubleshoot, assert themselves, and interact effectively with a team is 90% of the battle of being successful in the OR.
Nurses should feel empowered, use their voice, and always establish a safe zone with their team.
The ability to speak up for yourself is critical to your longevity in OR, and nurses who can advocate for themselves are practicing the ultimate self-care.
Learn about the three steps to incorporate into practice to ensure a safe working environment for patients and colleagues.
The purpose of the preference card is to act as a guide for the surgical case.
The ESU, the most widely used and cherished piece of surgical equipment, is far more complex than many of us realize.
Learn about the essential steps to take and supplies needed to manage an airway emergency.
Functioning as an RN circulator in an OR full of surgeons and support staff can seem very overwhelming for a novice nurse; however, the room can and will run smoothly with confidence.
What is the neutral zone and how can it be used to protect staff and patients?
Get quick tips for a facial prep.
An effective time out prevents wrong-site, wrong-procedure, and wrong-person surgery.
Patient positioning is one essential factor to consider to reduce the likelihood of intraoperative nerve damage.
Get quick tips for performing a small bowel resection, which involves removing diseased portions of the small intestine through an abdominal incision and reconnecting the remaining tissue.
Acting on your inner voice will positively affect your patient and your longevity in perioperative nursing.
This handy pocket guide describes the four classifications of surgical wounds to identify patients at risk of surgical site infection.
Learn about and view the various instruments used during thoracic surgery.
Learn about and view the various instruments used during cardiothoracic surgery.
This handy pocket guide can help ensure you don’t miss a step when starting each case.